Become a Freelance Writer in 2024: Easy-to-start, Profitable Business

Last updated Feb 20, 2024

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Freelance writing has become a popular career choice in the past few years, with it being one of the top 5 jobs on LinkedIn in 2023. It is a lucrative, flexible, and easy-to-start business that has become even more feasible with the help of digital tools.

Freelance writer typing on her laptop

Qualifications needed to start a freelance writing career

Having a degree in English, journalism, or communications can be helpful. You can also take courses in copywriting, SEO, and social media for in-depth knowledge. Remember though, that these courses are not a requirement.

When starting as a freelance writer, your most important qualification should be your willingness to learn and complete projects as per the client’s specifications.

Concentrate on creating writing samples and portfolios that showcase you writing skills and style.  

Types of content a freelance writer may create

You can offer various freelance writing services and create different content for your clients. Here are just a few types of freelance writing jobs:

  • Blog post/content writing
  • Creative writing
  • Whitepapers
  • Reports
  • Search engine optimization writing
  • Presentations
  • eBooks
  • Landing pages
  • Video scripts
  • Emails
Freelance writer working

How to start your freelance writing business in 5 steps

You’re in luck. It’s a great time to get into the business. With all the resources available online, you will have plenty of freelance writing opportunities for success.

As you are, at the moment, an aspiring freelance writer, I don’t want to overwhelm you with information. Instead, here are some practical tips to get you started:

1. Figure out what you want to write about

Many freelance writers start with freelance writing work as generalists. It’s instinctive to feel that to find freelance writing jobs, you must hustle and offer as many writing services as possible.

However, many successful freelance writers suggest that you can find more freelance writing jobs by niching down.

What writing service would you like to offer? Are there particular topics or subjects that you know something about? That’s an excellent place to start.

For example, if you have a background in accounting or finance, you might want to niche down as a finance writer. With this freelance writing niche, you can write web content for accounting firms that want to increase their online presence. You can also write web content about personal finance.

2. Start building your portfolio

If you’ve looked around online, you’ve probably found advice about the importance of setting up your freelance writing website and starting your blog to hold yourself up as a professional writer.

In all honesty though, you can create a writing portfolio and start freelance writing without a website and prior experience. Most likely, what your prospective freelance writing clients would want to see are your writing samples.

How can you create a portfolio with no prior writing experience? Creating mock web content pieces is the easiest way to showcase your writing skills.

For example, do you have experience using specific accounting software? You can write a compelling review about it. You can create 2 or 3 writing samples and package them neatly on Google docs. Send the link to your Google docs to your prospective clients.

3. Market yourself

To find freelance writing gigs, you must go the extra mile to differentiate yourself from the competition. That’s how to make yourself stand out, even as a beginner, in the freelance writing industry.

4. Take advantage of online resources

There are lots of helpful guides and tutorials available online that can teach you everything from how to set rates to finding new clients. In order to be a successful freelance writer, you must take measures to improve your research skills and become proficient in using writing tools.

5. Don’t give up

It takes time and effort to succeed as a freelance writer, like any other business. Persevere and keep working hard, and you’ll see results in no time.

Read on: Freelance Writing Pros and Cons

Where to get clients

The word Freelance written on a black board

Again, most seasoned writers advise beginners to find clients through online job boards, social media, networking events, and content marketing. Many of them suggest pitching to companies directly.

But for aspiring writers, pitching to companies may not be your best option. As a new writer, you really only need to look for clients on the following platforms:


One of the best ways to find clients is through LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a social network for professionals and businesses. You can use LinkedIn to find leads, connect with potential clients, and build your professional network.

In this article, you can find a very straightforward way to create a compelling LinkedIn profile.


Upwork is a freelance marketplace that connects businesses with freelancers. This platform is a great place to find writing projects of all types, from small one-time assignments to long-term contracts.

Surfer SEO Writer Directory

The Surfer SEO Writer Directory is a great place to find clients if you’re a freelance writer specializing in SEO writing.

You must meet all the requirements to get listed in the writers’ directory. The Surfer SEO team will do their best to promote the Writers Directory, which increases the chance of a client finding your profile.

Digital tools for beginner writers 

Several digital tools can help beginner writers get started with their writing careers. These tools can help you with everything from developing ideas to marketing your work.

AI Writers

AI content writing assistants such as Jasper AI or CopyAI help you generate content at a fast rate. They will create unique pieces on any topic based on your input.

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is a tool that helps you optimize your writing for search engines. It will analyze your content, comparing it to sites ranking on top pages of Google, and propose changes you can make to be able to compete.


Grammarly helps you ensure your work is error-free, checking your spelling, grammar and punctuation. Using Grammarly, you can rest in the knowledge your writing is of the highest quality.


Canva is a design tool that helps you create professional-looking designs for your writing portfolio. You can easily create logos and infographics, making your work look polished and professional.

Google docs

Google Docs is a word processing software that allows you to create and edit documents online. Google Docs is a great tool for backing up your work and collaborating with other writers.


Evernote is a note-taking app that helps you organize your thoughts and ideas. Evernote makes it easy to keep track of your ideas for future writing projects.

Read on: 7 Essential Digital Tools for Freelance Writers

Scaling up your business – outsource or not?

Outsourcing can be a great way to scale up your business. However, there are a few things to consider before you decide to outsource your work:

Businessman working on his laptop networking
  • The quality of the work. When you outsource your work, you will rely on someone else to complete your projects. It’s essential to ensure that the person you hire is reliable and produces high-quality work.
  • The cost of the project. You will be responsible for paying the freelancer you hire when you outsource your work. Make sure that the project’s cost is within your budget.
  • The timeframe of the project. When you outsource your work, you will need to factor in the time it will take for the freelancer to complete the project. With this in mind, ensure that the timeline is realistic and that you can meet your deadlines.

How to become a freelance writer FAQs:

How do I become a successful freelance writer?

There is no one formula for success as a freelance writer. However, you can do a few things to increase your chances of finding freelance writing gigs. First, create a strong portfolio to showcase your work. Second, market yourself and your writing skills on freelance job boards, such as Upwork and LinkedIn.

What does a freelance writer do?

A freelance writer is a writer who works independently rather than being employed by a company. Freelance writers work on a project basis, such as writing articles for magazines or creating website content. Technically, they have their own freelance writing business, and have their system of finding freelance writing clients.

What are the benefits of being a freelance writer?

There are several benefits to being a freelance writer. One of the main benefits is that you have the flexibility to choose your projects and set your hours. Another advantage is, undoubtedly, that you can work from anywhere in the world.

Do I need to know SEO to start as a freelance writer?

No, you need not know SEO to start as a freelance writer. However, it can be helpful to learn the basics of SEO to optimize your content and make it more likely to be found by potential clients.


If you have a passion for writing and want to turn it into a profitable business, then becoming a freelance writer is a great option.

It’s easy to get started, and there are many growth opportunities. The demand for freelance writers continues to rise, so now is the perfect time to create your own freelance writing business.

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