How to Find Low Competition Products to Sell on Etsy with Sale Samurai

Last updated Apr 21, 2024

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Etsy is a fabulous online marketplace for handmade, vintage, collectible and unique items as well as printables and digital downloads.

With 95million active buyers and 7.5 million active sellers (data credit it’s a busy place with a stiff competition.

If you are just starting out selling on Etsy, you want to be smart about how you’re going to go about trying to compete with successful, well-established stores.

To be able to make informed decisions as to what is likely to sell for you, you need data on search volume, competition, keywords and tags, click through rate and more.

Let’s take a look at how Sale Samurai can help you find products you will be actually able to sell on Etsy.

Sale Samurai home page featuring the keyword research tool results

How Can Sale Samurai Help Me Find Profitable Products to Sell on Etsy?

Sale Samurai is a digital product research tool that is designed to give you detailed information on every product that is selling on Etsy, help you identify trending products and low competition keywords, audit your Etsy shop and much more.

Basic Search Option

To find low-competition keywords use the Search function and select the Basic search option.

In Basic Search, Sale Samurai provides valuable information on any keyword you enter.

  • Etsy SV – monthly search volume
  • Etsy CTR – click through rate (percentage of people who after seeing a listing actually click on it)
  • Etsy competition – how many other products you are going to be competing against
  • Google SV
  • Google CPC – cost per click (the higher the percentage, the more money there is in this niche)
  • Google competition

Underneath this first section, Sale Samurai produces a table of Etsy’s Most Trending Keywords, again displaying the search volume, click through rate and competition.

You are able to sort this data according to your preference. Are you looking for related keywords for products with the lowest competition? Just sort the data for competition from the smallest to the largest and see at a glance which product you’ll have a good chance of entering the Etsy market with.

Ideally, you want to find products with a high search volume, high click through rate and low competition.

Say we want to sell candles – let’s find out if this product has a potential to make us money.

Type ‘candle’ into the search bar – this is the information Sale Samurai will display.

Sale Samurai keyword search results page displaying data for the keyword 'candle'

As you can see the search for the keyword ‘candle’ returns:

  • Etsy Search Volume 104,622
  • Etsy CTR 64.26%
  • Etsy Competition 1,512,281

It’s clear that we don’t want to just be selling any old candles as the competition for this keyword is astronomical.

We need to find which other longer-tail keywords have better odds of selling for us.

Scroll down to the Etsy Most Trending and either start going through the pages of data one by one to find a more promising keyword or sort the data by highest/lowest.

And here is what we found:

Sale Samurai Etsy Most Trending results page

Now that’s much better – the data for ‘skep candle’ is much more favourable. It has a reasonable search volume and click through rate, and the competition figure is excellent.

Let’s find another one:

Sale Samurai Etsy Most Trending result page different option

Even better result for ‘soarin candle’ – the search volume exceeds the competition!

So you see, without this digital tool you might as well be selling blind. You probably wouldn’t be able to deduce that these two products have real potential without this data.  

For further details, type ‘soarin candle’ into the search field now and scroll down to the Listing section.

Sale Samurai listing section results displaying top performing listings on Etsy

Here Sale Samurai lists the top performing listings for your chosen keyword with relevant data. There are links to Etsy so you can see the specific product live on Etsy and really dissect how it’s presented and how much it’s selling for, and get some ideas on why it’s doing so well.

Clicking on the ‘Details’ icon next to each listing, Sale Samurai will take you to a new page which will display further information about that particular listing including:

  • Product category
  • Age of the listing
  • Monthly search volume
  • Tags the seller used

Single Listing Search Option

If you are interested in specifics of a particular product you found on Etsy and want to know all the behind-the-scenes info, copy that product URL into the Single Listing Search and Sale Samurai will pull up all the info for that product.

Chrome extension

If you’re interested in performing your research right in Etsy, you are able to use their powerful Chrome extension which will let you access product search volume and competition data.

You are able to sort and filter the data to get customized metrics for exactly what you’re looking for.

Other Sale Samurai features you will find helpful

Additionally, Sales Samurai offers:

  • Listing Creator – create your Etsy listing right here with Sale Samurai giving you tips on how to create the best-optimized listing possible
  • Competition Tracker – add specific shops you would like Sale Samurai to provide metrics on and learn from what they did
  • Uploader – you can upload your designs to print-on-demand partners
  • Calendar – detailing all upcoming holidays so you can prep your listings ahead
  • Audit of your Etsy shop

Sale Samurai offers comprehensive tutorials on each of the different tools they offer.

Sale Samurai Pricing

Considering what’s on offer, Sale Samurai is very reasonably priced offering a monthly plan at $9.99/month, or a discounted yearly plan at $99.99 a year.

You will get free 3-day trial with either of these subscription options so you can try it out and if you think there isn’t enough value in it for you (I can’t see how that’s possible) then don’t carry on to the subscription.

Sale samurai plans price displaying price per month and per year

To Conclude…

To try to establish which products for sale on Etsy have high search volume and low competition by doing your research manually is a time-consuming nightmare.

Even if you manage to get some information, this will never be as comprehensive and accurate as what you’ll get with Sale Samurai.

Here you will get all the data you need at a glance in a few seconds, and you can make an informed decision as to which products you should be concentrating on selling with a high chance of actually making a sale on a competitive Etsy marketplace.

A very reasonably-priced software, a real time-saver, all the data you’ll ever need, a no-brainer.

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