Life of a Freelance Writer: This is What My Typical Week Looks Like

Last updated Mar 8, 2023

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From meeting deadlines to completing administrative tasks and dealing with the general ups and downs of freelancing, writing for a living isn’t always easy. But while there are plenty of unique challenges along the way, there are also super exciting opportunities that come with freelance writing.

I’m here to give you an inside look into my life as a freelance writer – from what my typical week looks like to how I manage to stay focused and productive.

It may not be the same for everyone but hopefully this peek inside my world will show you that running your own freelance writing business can be an incredibly rewarding way to earn a living.

My Typical Week

Weekly planner

The best thing about freelance writing is the work-life balance and flexibility it offers. I am free to take on projects that are the most interesting to me and set my own schedule.

The flexibility is invaluable if you have a family or other commitments, as you can fit work around your life, not the other way around.

No two weeks are ever the same but I do try to stick to accomplishing specific tasks on certain days. Here’s what my typical week looks like:


I don’t usually start working on new assignments on Mondays. I spend about an hour reviewing my to-do list and go through any upcoming deadlines or writing projects that need attention.

I do a fair bit of research for that week’s assignments, read up on work-related topics or industry news.

I look into trends in the content writing community – this helps me stay up-to-date and provides valuable insights.

If I feel I’m able to take on more work I will also have a quick look for potential clients who might be hiring writers.

Read on: How to Find Clients and Writing Jobs


Tuesday is typically spent tackling writing assignments that require more focus and concentration.

I am not a morning person but I do get up early on Tuesdays and get stuck in to make a substantial dent in that week’s workload.

If a client allows, I will use Japer AI to assist me with creating my content quickly. Jasper has been a real game-changer for me. It gives me ideas on content outlines and how to structure my articles breaking them down into well-formed paragraphs.

If I feel certain parts of my content need tweaking, Jasper will re-write them until I’m happy it’s exactly what I’m looking for.

For clients requiring content optimized for search engines I use Surfer SEO. Surfer gives me clear direction of which words and phrases to include. Additionally, it will tell me how many images and paragraphs the piece should have and what word count to aim for.

Read on: Essential Digital Tools For Freelance Writers

Jasper ai home page


On Wednesdays I carry on where I left off on Tuesday. I break the day up by catching up on my emails and social media but most of the day is spent writing.

The goal on Wednesday is to try to complete at least some of the most challenging projects and leave the easier ones for the rest of the week. That is if the client schedule allows for it. Obviously if there is a deadline on a project, I will complete it by whichever day it’s required.


Thursday is devoted to finishing up the more challenging projects and starting on the easier assignments. and if time allows revising and editing my writing, and proofreading pieces I’ve already finished.

I use Grammarly to help me quickly review and perfect my writing without spending too much time on it.

I gives me suggestions for grammatical improvements and checks my spelling. I also run all my articles through its plagiarism checker.


Provided all goes to plan earlier in the week, I spend Fridays finishing the rest of the assignments, and revising and editing my completed projects. Finally, I go through everything again ensuring I haven’t missed anything before submitting my work. I spend some time planning my tasks for the following week, organizing my documents and workspace.


Like everyone else, weekends are usually spent running errands, catching up with friends or family, and enjoying activities I don’t get to do during the working week.

Occasionally, if I have a lot of work or need an extra push to complete a project on time, then Saturday will be devoted to writing, too.

I try to keep my Sundays work-free. I feel it’s important to relax and unwind, recharge my batteries, ignore the alarm clock and have a lazy morning.

In the early days, when I first started writing, I would work long hours every day which very quickly made me feel I had no life at all and I didn’t enjoy what I was doing.

I’ve learnt that taking breaks and breaking my workload up into smaller chunks actually made me more productive.

Do I Strictly Stick to My Schedule?

No, I don’t. Although I’m doing my best to try to stick to my typical daily routine, inevitably, there are days when I have to adjust to shifting priorities or unexpected tasks.

At any point, I might have a last-minute assignment or an opportunity will arise that requires more attention than usual.

Deadline for a project

Whenever that happens, I move around other items on my schedule to take advantage of these opportunities still ensuring my other commitments are taken care of.

The life of a freelance writer can be unpredictable but it’s exciting. It’s not a job as such, it’s your own business, a lifestyle.

While some weeks I may put in lots of hours, because I can spread them out, it just doesn’t feel like too much work. I work a few hours during the day and then most evenings. If I want days off during the week, I will work extra on the weekend.

It doesn’t bother me at all because I choose this, this works for me and my family. I get to get the children to and from school everyday, keep on top of the housework, dinners, appointments etc without feeling stressed out.

Plus, you can take your lunch break any time you like!

To conclude

Running your own freelance writing business offers the freedom to work when you want and tackle interesting projects while still having time for family and friends. The key to staying productive and organised is utilizing the right tools and taking necessary daily breaks.

With dedication and proper resources, it is possible to make serious progress fairly quickly and enjoy financial success and priceless work-life balance.

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