Freelance Writing Beginnings FAQs: All Your Questions Answered

Last updated Mar 15, 2023

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Are you thinking about getting into freelance writing?

This FAQs article will help answer some of the most common questions aspiring freelance writers have.

The topics range from writing samples, securing a writing job, the tools you need for your business, the best way to manage your time, and more.

Freelance writer working in a cafe

1. What is Freelance Writing?

Freelance writing involves creating original content for clients on a contract basis. This could include blog posts, articles, web content, social media copy, eBooks and other written content.

2. What Skills Do I Need to Become a Freelance Writer?

Freelance writers should have or should be willing to master the following skills:

  • Good writing and communication skills
  • Ability to research topics quickly and accurately
  • Ability to learn and use digital tools
  • Time management skills
  • Ability to simplify complex topics
  • Basic SEO writing skills

3. What Qualities Do I Need to Become a Freelance Writer?

The following qualities will help you become a successful freelance writer:

  • Passion for writing
  • Self-discipline
  • Adaptability
  • Persistence and determination
  • Entrepreneurial mindset

4. How Do I Find Clients and Jobs?

Find clients and jobs on job boards such as Upwork and Fiverr and join writer directories. Promote your services through LinkedIn and other social networking platforms, your website or a blog.

5. What Tools Do Freelance Writers Need?

As a freelance writer you will want to have the following tools in your arsenal:

  • Laptop
  • Reliable internet connection
  • Word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs
  • Grammar and punctuation checkers such as Grammarly
  • AI writing tools such as Jasper Ai
  • SEO optimization tool such as Surfer SEO
Surfer SEO content editor page

6. How Do I Manage My Time Efficiently

Managing your time requires setting up a regular schedule of when you plan to work on each project and sticking to it.

You should also prioritize tasks based on deadlines. It’s important to stay focused and organized. Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and keep yourself productive.

7. Do I Need a Website to Start My Freelance Business?

While it’s a good idea for writers to have a website, it’s not a necessity.

You can create a portfolio and engage with clients that way. You can create profiles on websites like Upwork to showcase your writing abilities and offer potential clients a chance to learn more about your services.

8. How Do I Set My Hourly Rate?

You don’t want to overcharge and push your potential clients away. You don’t want to undercharge either as this can leave you overworked and undervalued.

To start with, position yourself somewhere in the middle of the current going rate – you can start negotiating up after you’ve built some credibility.

9. What Tips Should I Remember When Starting as a Freelance Writer?

Focus on creating quality content that meets your clients’ needs.

Make sure to define the scope of work, timeline, and payment requirements before taking on any projects. It helps to stayed organized since juggling multiple assignments at once can be challenging.

10. How to Create a Freelance Writing Portfolio?


Use your portfolio to provide detailed examples of what kind of writing projects you have tackled.

  • Decide on an appropriate name for your writing portfolio that aligns with your work and reflects your personality.
  • Collect all related documents, articles, stories, and other written works that you have already completed or are currently in progress.
  • Arrange all of your writing samples in chronological order in folders, using a filing system that is easy to understand and navigate.
  • As you go through your list, choose the works that show off your skills and represent who you are as a writer.
  • Make a cover page for your writing portfolio that includes the name of the portfolio, a brief bio, and contact information.

Remember to update your portfolio regularly with new projects and achievements to help a potential client get a better sense of where you are in your freelance writing journey.

11. How Many Sample Articles Do I Need?

Most clients want to see samples of your work before agreeing to engage in your writing services. A good starting point is to have 3 to 5 sample articles to showcase your writing skills.

12. What Are the Challenges Freelance Writers Face?

  • Finding steady work
  • Time management issues
  • Maintaining motivation
  • Setting competitive rates
  • Keeping up with technological trends

13. How to Gain Freelance Writing Experience?

One way to gain experience is to start writing your blog and write about topics that interest you.

Further, you can search for “guest post” opportunities to get your name out there.

14. How to Write About Things You’re Not an Expert in?

Research the subject. Consult reliable literature and websites about the topic or even interview people who are knowledgeable about it.

Assess the sources you use. Imagine yourself in someone else’s shoes and create content from their point of view – get creative with how you present the subject.

15. What Are the Key Questions to Ask Your Clients?

Some of the critical questions to ask your clients before starting an assignment include:

  • What is the scope of the project? – Understanding the client’s requirements and how much work will be involved is essential before committing to a job.
  • What deadlines need to be met? – Knowing specific deadlines will help you plan your workflow more effectively and avoid surprises.
  • What type of content is required? – Be clear on if there an existing style guide you need to follow or if you will create one from scratch.
  • Who is the intended audience? – Understanding the target audience ensures that your writing reflects their interests and needs.
  • How will success be measured? – Knowing the criteria to assess your performance will help you focus your efforts on the most critical aspects of the job.

16. What is an LOI?

LOI stands for Letter of Intent, and it outlines the purpose of the collaboration, describes any key deliverables and details the content-related services.

17. Is Upwork Best for Finding Steady Work?

Upwork home page

Freelance writing jobs on Upwork provide excellent opportunities to test the waters and get clients, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket – diversify.

18. How Do I Handle Invoicing?

You can use online invoicing services like PayPal or Stripe to streamline the process and make tracking payments easier. Include the necessary details in your invoices, like the rate per word, the number of words written, and the estimated delivery date.

19. How Do I Find a Niche?

Do your research and explore the different markets available to you. Take inventory of your passions, values, and experiences because these will lead to ideas for products or services tailored to the market you plan to target.

20. What Are the 3 Mistakes I Shouldn’t be Making?

  • Taking on too many assignments at the same time – this will be very stressful for you and the quality of your work is likely to suffer
  • Not meeting deadlines – missing your clients’ deadlines is not an option, don’t let them down
  • Failure to meet the brief – if you submit work that is different to your client’s requirements, you’re unlikely to get further jobs

21. What Qualifications Do I Need?

You don’t need any qualifications to be a successful freelance writer.

You should be willing to invest into yourself though and taking any writing, research skills, SEO or social networking course can only improve your chances of landing more profitable gigs.


Freelance writing is a challenging but rewarding and very lucrative career if you understand how to navigate the industry.

These answers to the readers’ FAQs should give you some insight into the world of freelance writing and prepare you for what lies ahead.

With the right resources and guidance, your freelance writing career can take off in no time!

Read on:

Become a Freelance Writer: Easy-to-Start, Profitable Business

Freelance Writing Pros and Cons

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