Freelance Writing Beginnings: Avoid making these 7 Mistakes

Last updated Feb 20, 2024

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Don't make these 7 mistakes

Freelance writing is an in-demand gig that’s been growing in popularity in the last few years. This means there are plenty of opportunities.

As a new freelancer though, it’s easy to make mistakes. After all, you’re still learning the ropes and figuring out what works for you.

Making mistakes is part of learning, however, some costly mistakes can affect your ability to secure freelance writing work and stall the progress of your writing career.

Avoiding making these 7 common mistakes can help you secure new clients, retain current ones and keep your freelance writing business running smoothly.

1. Undercharging

When starting, many new freelance writers make the mistake of lowballing their rates to compete for writing jobs. However, any experienced freelancer knows that setting very low rates can quickly lead to burnout. You’ll eventually get frustrated for working too much and not getting paid what you’re worth.

In addition, undercharging sends a bad signal. Working for low rates can damage your reputation and make it challenging to attract quality clients in the future.

Setting a fair rate for your services is essential, even at the beginning of your freelance career. Don’t be afraid to ask and negotiate terms with potential clients. Doing so is one way to position yourself as a professional writer.

2. Overcharging

Many clients are unwilling to pay more than the going rate for a particular service. Charging too high may result in losing a potential client.

You can avoid this mistake by researching the market rates for your services. You can start by pricing yourself somewhere in the middle. You can always adjust your rates upwards as you gain more experience.

One marketing strategy is to build a portfolio of past works and set realistic rates. Let the quality of your work reflect your rates. Remember that your success in attracting prospective clients depends on providing value and quality work.

3. Failing to hit the client’s brief

Failure to read and understand the content brief may lead to misunderstanding about the project, which can result in delays and missed deadlines.

It may also lead you to submit work that is not what the client was looking for. This can lead to frustration on the client’s part and the likelihood of you having difficulty securing freelance work in the future.

To avoid this costly mistake, commit to always reading and understanding the brief before starting work on the project. Ask any questions you may have about the project beforehand.

Clarifying client’s instructions will ensure that you deliver quality work that meets the client’s requirements.

Hit the client's brief checklist

4. Missing deadlines

One of the most challenging aspects of being a freelance writer is learning to manage your time and meet deadlines.

Below are a few simple tips that you can follow to help make sure that you always meet your deadlines:

Make a schedule and stick to it

Decide how much time you need to complete each task, and then block time in your calendar to work on it. Once you have a schedule, make sure that you stick to it as closely as possible. If you’re consistently falling behind, try to adjust your schedule accordingly.

Start early and work in small chunks

Try to start working on your tasks a few days in advance. When you do start working, break up your work into small chunks. Doing so will help you stay focused and prevent you from getting overwhelmed.

Set deadlines for yourself

Setting your own deadlines can help you stay on track and ensure you’re progressing. Remember though, ensure that they are realistic and that you are able to achieve what you planned.

Take regular breaks

It’s essential to stay focused while working, but it is equally important to take breaks to avoid burnout. Make sure to take a few minutes every hour or so to stretch, grab a snack, or take a walk to help you clear your head and come back to your work refreshed.

Reduce procrastination

With some mindfulness, you can overcome procrastination and get things done. If you are mindful, you are less likely to put off tasks and experience less anxiety about completing them.

You can clear your mind and be better prepared to work on your projects by taking a few moments to centre yourself and focus on your breath.

5. Not using digital tools

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When it comes to writing, there’s no substitute for a certain level of writing ability and experience. However, that doesn’t mean new writers shouldn’t take advantage of the latest technologies.

Digital writing tools make life so much easier. Using these tools will help produce better quality content at much faster rate.

Digital tools can assist you in several ways – from developing ideas for new stories to editing and proofreading your work. Check out the following AI tools and apps that can support your freelance work:

  • Grammarly – this tool catches potential issues in the text and makes suggestions to help with grammar, spelling, and word usage.
  • Jasper AI – this copywriting tool uses the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to help in your writing projects.
  • Surfer SEO – you can use this web-based tool to identify relevant keywords for content optimization and improve your website’s visibility and ranking.
  • Hemingway Editor – this editing tool can help your overall written work look more professional.
  • BlogAbout by Impact – this tool can generate headlines and find unique angles for your posts.

6. Taking on too much

As a new writer, you may underestimate the time and effort required to complete a quality article or blog post. This mistake increases the risk of you scrambling to meet deadlines or revising your work multiple times.

Sometimes, you may have to turn down future work to focus on completing current projects.

While taking on a few extra assignments may help you earn more money in the short term, it can ultimately lead to longer hours and more stressful working conditions.

Therefore, starting slowly and gradually increasing your workload is usually the best way to go as you gain more experience. Don’t take on too many projects at the same time.

7. Underselling yourself

When you’re a freelance writer, one of the most important things you can do is to ensure that your clients know what benefits they’ll get from hiring you. After all, if you’re not highlighting how you can help them, they’re likely to hire someone else who will.

Too often, writers make the mistake of assuming that their work will speak for itself and that potential clients will be able to see the value in hiring them without any effort. However, this is rarely the case.

In today’s competitive market, you need to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd and show potential clients why you’re the best person for the job. Create profiles on job boards, present a strong portfolio, write engaging proposals, and actively market your services.

By taking these steps, you’ll be much more likely to land new clients and successfully build your career as a writer.


New freelance writers often make costly mistakes that can set them back months, if not years.

Without knowing what not to do, it’s easy to fall into the same traps. By taking on board our 7 points, you will get to avoid making these mistakes and be well on your way to a successful freelance writing career.

Read on:

Become a freelance writer

How to get clients and find freelance writing jobs

Freelance Writing Pros and Cons

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