Become a Freelance Writer in 2024: Pros and Cons

Last updated Jan 29, 2024

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Are you an aspiring writer looking to make a living as a freelancer? Have you dreamed of becoming your own boss and working on your own terms?

With the freelance writing industry projected to grow 4 percent from 2021 to 2031, now may be the perfect time to start. However, before you take the plunge into the gig economy, you must consider both the pros and cons of pursuing a freelance writing career.

Freelance writer working from home

Pros of Freelance Writing

It’s the 2020s and in place of traditional full-time jobs are a growing number of freelance opportunities. As a freelance writer, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:


One of the most appealing aspects of freelance writing is its flexibility. Freelance writers can secure freelance writing jobs while working around other commitments.

Whether a night owl or an early bird, freelance writing allows you to set your own schedule. In addition, you can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

Flexibility is without a doubt one of the biggest benefits freelance working offers.

Intellectual challenge

Freelance writing is intellectually challenging because it requires strong writing, research, and problem-solving skills. It also calls for an ability to take complex ideas and synthesize them into simple ones.

No two days are the same in a freelance writing career.

In addition to the satisfaction of completing a challenging project, you will have the opportunity to learn new skills and gain knowledge as you work on different assignments.

The intellectual variety is more enjoyable within the online community than the routine daily grind in a traditional work setup.


It can be enriching to have the freedom to plan how you go about your day. If you love setting deadlines for yourself, then freelance work might be for you.

Regardless of your situation, you can decide which projects to take on and set your working hours.

The creative process in writing reflects the element of autonomy. You can develop stories, characters, and ideas from scratch as a freelance writer. You can create your pieces entirely and express your writing style.

You determine your salary

Getting paid

When you freelance, you are in control of how much you earn. In contrast to people in office jobs, you don’t need to worry about having a fixed salary as you can always negotiate rates with clients.

You can negotiate rates on a project-by-project basis and find a balance that works for both you and your clients.

If you’re just starting out or taking on a new type of writing, you may want to set your rates somewhere in the middle to attract clients. The goal is to increase your rates accordingly with a strong portfolio and confidence in your skills.

Work-life balance

The freedom to choose when and for how long to work can be liberating. With the freelance lifestyle, you can select projects that align with your values and interests and prioritize your health, happiness, and well-being.

You can take on fewer projects to spend more time with friends and family or pursue other hobbies. Creating a work-life balance offers you a greater sense of fulfillment since you can dedicate more attention and energy to activities that bring joy rather than having an overloaded schedule due to too much work.

Freelance writers are in demand

Every field needs a freelance writer. The demand for written content has never been higher as businesses look to expand their reach online, engage customers through social media, and develop newsletters and marketing campaigns. The opportunities are out there to be grabbed.

You can specialize in various niches, such as health and wellness, travel, lifestyle, and finance. This adds greater value when pitching ideas or submitting articles to different publications or companies, as it shows your thorough knowledge of a particular field or industry.

Working in the perfect environment

Adopting the freelance life will allow you to customize your working environment. You might have specific needs for your workspace, such as natural light, extra desk space, or a comfortable chair. When creating a home office, you can choose furniture and decor that will help you stay productive and keep you energized.

Carefully crafting your home office space will give you greater control over your results, maximize your efficiency and allow you to fully focus on your freelance job.

Home office

Working with multiple clients

Unlike traditional employment, where one typically works under a single employer or company, having freelance jobs allows writers to collaborate with various clients and freelance platforms. The collaboration and exposure make it possible to explore different types of freelance writing work.

Working with several clients will enable you to build a diverse portfolio that demonstrates a range of abilities and makes them more attractive to potential employers.

Read on: How to Find Freelance Writing Jobs and Clients

Cons of Freelance Writing

While freelancing has many perks, there are also some downsides to consider before going freelance full-time. Here are some cons that come with working freelance:

Variable income

Freelancers never know precisely how much they will earn each month, which can cause severe financial stress. When relying on payments from clients that can take weeks or even months, it’s not easy to budget for bills and other expenses.

This unpredictability provides an added layer of anxiety for writers who are just starting out and work with smaller companies.

Not all freelance work is well-paid

Freelance writing jobs are not always well-compensated, which can be a huge downside for many freelance writers. Most writing jobs require a lot of research and effort to produce quality pieces. As such, freelancers may spend significantly more time than they initially thought on a project.


Taxes and invoices

One of the downsides of freelance writing is dealing with the legal aspects of being self-employed. As a freelancer, you are responsible for issuing invoices, paying taxes and keeping track of your expenses, which can be daunting if you’re unfamiliar with the regulations.

You will also need to ensure that any contracts you have entered into are legally binding and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

You may want to engage professionals to give you a helping hand, at least at the very start.

Juggling multiple clients

Juggling multiple clients can be overwhelming. You’ll have to keep up with the pressure to meet deadlines and client expectations.

Maintaining enthusiasm for the work is also tricky when you are spread too thin and cannot properly focus on any single project.

It might sound glamorous initially, but managing multiple clients requires time management skills and emotional resilience to stay motivated and inspired while consistently producing quality work.


Freelance writing is a great way to make money and become independent. With the advances in technology, it is expected to be even more popular. Many benefits come with this profession, but there are also some risks to consider.

It is essential to evaluate all of the pros and cons before taking the leap. With dedication and hard work though, anyone can become a successful freelance writer.

Read on:

Freelance Writing Beginnings: Avoid making these 7 Mistakes

Become a Freelance Writer: Easy-to-start, Profitable Business

Freelance Writing FAQs

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