Jasper AI Content Writing Assistant: 13 Best Features

Last updated Feb 20, 2024

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AI writing assistants are changing the way we think about content creation. These AI writing tools can help you write in minutes what would take you hours to complete otherwise.

But which AI content writer should you be using?

Jasper AI is a writing assistant that can help you generate content ten times faster. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate persuasive, enticing copy.

You can use Jasper AI to write blog posts, landing pages, video scripts, marketing emails, and social media posts. It will help you increase your website traffic, convert leads into customers, and boost your social media presence.

If you are a blogger, freelance writer, digital marketer or indeed any business owner with a website, Jasper AI would be a valuable tool in your arsenal. With its help, you can pump out high-quality content quickly and efficiently, giving you a leg up on the competition.

More than 70,000 customers use this software and for good reasons. Here are, what we believe to be, Jasper’s 13 best features.

Jasper ai home page

1. Jasper creates 100% original content

It’s easy to accidentally plagiarize content without realizing it. You might think you’re re-writing something, but if even a small part of the original text is still there, it can be considered plagiarism.

Jasper’s produces original content every single time. For peace of mind, you can run your final draft through any of the free plagiarism-checkers.

If you are happy to pay for the convenience, Jasper has partnered with Copyscape plagiarism checker which is integrated in the software.

2. Paragraph generator

The writing process of creating quality content is challenging and also time-consuming.

With Jasper AI’s paragraph generator, you can input just a few pieces of information to get high-quality, original content in minutes. With little effort, you can even create long-form content without compromising quality.

Jasper ai paragraph generator page

3. Product descriptions

Jasper differentiates itself from other AI writing tools for its product description feature.

Note that merely listing the product features and hoping that’s enough to convince people to buy is not enough.

Jasper AI writes product descriptions that focus on the benefits of your product, not just the features. Jasper will generate content demonstrating to your customers how your product will solve their problem and improve their lives.

4. PAS Framework

Jasper AI is different from other AI content writing tools for its PAS (Problem – Agitate – Solution) Framework Templates.

Most people don’t realize there is a science behind writing persuasive copy. Without the proper framework, it isn’t easy to produce results.

Simply input your product/service name, description and tone of voice and watch Jasper create an enticing copy for anything you want to sell.

5. Jasper Boss mode

Jasper boss mode page

Jasper’s Boss mode feature allows you to gain more control of the software. This includes Jasper Commands and Jasper Recipes, two powerful features that will increase your ability to write content.

Using the Commands feature, you can tell the AI precisely what you want it to write about. It reads it, understands it and produces content accordingly. For example, you can tell Jasper to write an introduction with a specific word count.

Recipes are pre-built workflows for video scripts, marketing emails, Facebook ads and blog posts. The recipes include all the elements necessary for successful execution of each particular type of content.

6. Content improver

You’ve just finished writing a blog post, but it’s not as good as you want.

With Jasper’s Content Improver, you can input your content and let this AI tool re-write for you. This AI content writing tool can provide interesting, creative, and engaging content.

7. Marketing angles

It can be tough to come up with new and innovative marketing angles but staying ahead of the competition is essential.

Jasper is more than your typical AI tool. This AI copywriting tool will help you brainstorm different angles for your next marketing campaign.

8. Surfer SEO integration

You put a lot of effort into your content and want to see it rank as high as possible. But without the help of an SEO expert, it’s not easy to know how to optimize your content for better search engine visibility.

Surfer SEO Integration with Jasper is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their website’s ranking. With their easy-to-use guidelines and tips, you’ll be able to get more out of your content and see better results in no time.

Jasper ai SEO page

9. Create social media posts

Creating new and original content for social media posts can be challenging, especially if you’re busy. Moreover, your followers may lose interest if you’re not posting regularly.

Jasper AI can help create social media posts. For a few hours of your time, Jasper AI writing software generates months’ worth of well-written, informative, and engaging social media posts that will keep your followers engaged.

10. Tone detector

Most AI writing software tools do not offer the tone detector feature. Jasper realizes how important it is to find the right words for your target audience.

The tone of voice takes the guesswork out of tailoring your copy for different audiences. With this tool, you can choose from a range of tones that will make your AI-generated content more relatable and understandable for your readers.

11. Post intro and conclusion paragraphs

Sometimes it’s tough to start writing, especially if you don’t know where to begin. Not only do you need a good intro paragraph, you also need to keep your readers engaged throughout and finish with a powerful conclusion.

Jasper can help write your introduction and conclusion paragraphs with just a few clicks and a command.

12. Long form blog posts

If you do not take advantage of long-form content, you’ll miss out on a huge opportunity to connect with your audience.

A long-form blog post type of content allows you to share your expertise and connect with readers interested in learning more about your topic.

With Jasper, you can create all the long-form content you need to engage your audience.

13. Blog post outline

Many people want to start a blog but get stuck because they don’t know how to start. Not knowing where or how to start can be incredibly frustrating and discouraging.

Jasper’s blog post outline generator will help you get around writer’s block and come up with great post ideas for you.


Let Jasper help you on your journey to success. This awesome AI content writing assistant will save you a huge amount of time. It’s never out of ideas so when you get stuck just ask it for help.

Jasper is truly an invaluable tool for any content-based business and a must for bloggers and freelance writers looking to scale up.

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