Beginners’ Guide to Starting an Online Business: First Steps

Last updated Feb 20, 2024

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Well done, you’re here because you finally made your decision to start an online business. As a beginner, you may not be quite sure what to do next. To get you started, read through the very first steps in this guide to starting an online business without any experience.

What to do first?

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Well, first you want to decide what it is you’re going to be doing. There are lots of online businesses you can start with no experience. If you need help with ideas though, read this 5 easiest-to-start online businesses guide.

Learn everything about your business

Whilst some believe that the best way to learn is from making your own mistakes – don’t!

Take advantage of all the information out there and learn everything there is to know about your business. Watch YouTube tutorial and review videos, read ‘How to’ guides on Google, buy a reputable course if your budget allows.

Learn from other people’s successes and failures. This way, you will save yourself a lot of time, money, and worry down the line. Absorbing all available information will also equip you with the knowledge of how to start your business step by step.

You will come away with a plan of what needs to be done and when. You will come across valuable resources and understand what business tools you should invest in and why. 

In any business there is an element of trial and error but by doing your research you increase your chances of success. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

Blackboard with business strategy written out

What to do next?

Now you know what to want to do, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to go about it. There are several factors that will influence your decision on which route to take: how much skill, time, money and patience do you have?


Fairly competent – you know your way around your computer and smart phone and are familiar with the MS Office Suite. You can edit images, download and upload files, and are familiar with IT jargon.

In this case, you’re likely to pick things up easily, progress quickly, and will be able to complete most tasks yourself.

Not so competent – if you’re struggling with technology, everything’s going to take you just that little bit longer. If your budget allows, you may choose to outsource some of the more challenging tasks.


Time rich – you are in a privileged position. Although you may still have a full-time job to go to, the time after work and weekends are yours.

Use it to your advantage, master each task yourself and get to know your business inside out.

Time poor – if you are in a full-time employment, have small children, pets, and devote time to hobbies, then starting your own business may seem like a colossal task. That’s because it is! (Writing from experience).

You’re going to have to absolutely nail your time-management and planning. If you are in a position to outsource certain tasks, do so, otherwise you’re going to move forward at a snail’s pace.


Heathy budget – although it’s not necessary, if you have access to funds, you have choices. To pay freelancers and outsource some of the tasks, to invest in better business tools. This is likely to move your business on faster.

If your budget is substantial, you may choose to delegate most tasks and aspects of your business and concentrate on the decision-making and steering your business to where you want it to go.

Tight budget – not to worry, you can start any online business with minimal investment. There are plenty of free tools you can make use of until you’re able to afford premium ones. As you won’t be able to outsource anything for a while, you’ll be doing it all yourself.


You’re patient – you realize building a successful online business will take time. For most of us, the smartest way is to start it alongside of our job and slowly develop it over time. It takes time to gain experience, grow your audience, get Google or YouTube to trust you.

You’re impatient – if you’re not prepared to be patient and want to scale up fast, you’re going to have to throw a lot of money at it. Get a team on board. Dependent on the type of your business you may need a virtual assistant, a freelance writer, a web designer, a manager.

Photo of a team

Best case scenario

You have adequate skills and sufficient time to dedicate to learning and experiencing all aspects of your business. With big enough budget, you can move on to outsourcing most tasks which will drive your business forward at a fast rate.

Worst case scenario

You have no skills, no spare time, and zero budget. This is extremely unlikely.

If you’ve ever been employed, can navigate a smart phone or a laptop – you have skills. If you have a lunch break, are active on your social media accounts and watch TV – you have time. And I bet if you went over your spending with a fine-tooth comb you would find some money that you could’ve put towards your business.

Somewhere in the middle

That’s probably where most of us are. We have jobs, families, busy lives. There is a bit of money and a bit of spare time to play with and we’re just going to have to make it work. The thing is… have to want to make it work. If you really do, success will come – sooner or later. You just have to NOT give up.

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